13 best iron tablets for hair growth in 2023 (2024)

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Did you know that your hair's health is closely linked to your iron levels? It's true! Iron deficiency, also known as iron deficiency anemia, is a common culprit behind hair loss. Your hair follicles depend on iron for healthy growth, but when your body lacks this essential mineral, it can lead to thinning and shedding of hair. The good news is that treating iron deficiency can help restore hair growth and improve overall hair density.

We understand the impact of nutritional deficiencies on our skin and hair. Low iron levels not only affect our energy levels but also have a direct effect on the health of our locks. Alongside other vital nutrients like zinc and vitamin B12, iron plays a crucial role in maintaining strong and vibrant tresses. So if you've noticed your once-luscious mane thinning out, it might be time to consider the best iron tablets for hair growth.

Don't let iron deficiency stand in the way of having thick and healthy locks - explore how boosting your iron absorption can combat thinning hair at its root!

Best iron tablets for hair growth

  1. Elm & Rye Iron Capsules

  2. NaturesPlus Hema-Plex Iron

  3. Vitalitown Iron 65 mg

  4. Natural Nutra Chelated Iron Supplement

  5. Nature’s Bounty Iron 65mg

  6. Derma-Iron Supplement

  7. Vitron-C Iron Supplement

  8. Nature Made Iron 65 mg (325 mg Ferrous Sulfate) Tablets

  9. Feroglobin Vitabiotics Organic Vitamin and Mineral Capsules

  10. Vitamin Code Raw Iron

  11. Adora Organics DHT Blocker

  12. hiroto pharma Vegan Iron Complex

  13. Solgar Gentle Iron

Benefits of Iron for Hair Growth and Hair Loss Prevention

Iron is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. Iron is particularly important.

Promotes Oxygen Supply to Scalp and Hair Follicles

One of the key benefits of iron for hair growth is its ability to promote the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body, including to the scalp and hair follicles. Sufficient oxygen supply is essential for maintaining optimal cellular function in these areas.

When there is an adequate amount of iron in the body, it supports healthy cell division in the hair follicles. This means that new cells are continuously being produced, which contributes to stronger and healthier hair growth. On the other hand, insufficient iron levels can lead to weakened cell division, resulting in thinning or brittle hair.

Prevents Premature Graying

Another advantage of ensuring adequate iron intake is its potential to prevent premature graying of hair. Iron deficiency has been linked to premature graying as it disrupts melanin production—the pigment responsible for natural hair coloration. By maintaining sufficient iron levels, you can help delay or minimize premature graying.

Maintains Overall Scalp Health

In addition to promoting oxygen supply and supporting cell division, iron also plays a critical role in maintaining overall scalp health. A healthy scalp provides an ideal environment for robust hair growth by ensuring proper nourishment and circulation.

Iron deficiency can lead to various scalp issues such as dryness, itchiness, or even dandruff. These conditions can hinder healthy hair growth and contribute to increased shedding or breakage. By incorporating iron-rich foods or supplements into your diet, you can help maintain a well-nourished scalp conducive to healthy hair.

To ensure you're getting the best iron intake for hair growth, consider incorporating iron-rich foods into your diet. Some examples include:

  • Red meat

  • Spinach and other leafy greens

  • Legumes such as lentils and chickpeas

  • Tofu and soy products

  • Nuts and seeds

If you suspect an iron deficiency or are unable to meet your iron needs through diet alone, consult with a healthcare professional who may recommend iron supplements specifically formulated for hair growth.

The Role of Iron in Blood Circulation and its Impact on Hair Health

Iron plays a crucial role in maintaining proper blood circulation throughout the body, including the scalp. This essential mineral is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen to various tissues and organs. Iron's impact cannot be overlooked.

One of the key benefits of iron is its ability to improve blood flow, which directly affects hair growth. When the scalp receives an adequate supply of oxygenated blood, it ensures that vital nutrients are delivered to the hair follicles. These nutrients nourish and strengthen the roots, promoting healthy growth and preventing hair loss.

Insufficient iron levels can lead to reduced oxygen supply to the scalp, resulting in weakened hair strands. Without enough oxygen reaching the hair follicles, they become more susceptible to damage and breakage. This often leads to thinning hair or even baldness in severe cases.

To maintain strong and nourished hair, it is essential to ensure optimal iron levels in your body. Including iron-rich foods such as lean meats, leafy greens, beans, and fortified cereals in your diet can help increase your iron intake naturally. However, sometimes dietary sources may not be sufficient to meet your body's requirements.

In such cases, iron supplements can provide an additional boost. These supplements are available over-the-counter and come in various forms like tablets or capsules specifically designed for easy absorption by the body.

When choosing the best iron tablets for hair growth, consider factors like bioavailability (how easily absorbed they are), dosage recommendations from healthcare professionals or experts specializing in trichology (the study of hair and scalp disorders), and any specific needs you may have based on medical conditions or deficiencies.

Here are some popular options for iron supplements:

  • Ferrous sulfate: This is one of the most common forms of iron supplements available. It has high bioavailability and is often recommended for individuals with iron-deficiency anemia.

  • Ferrous gluconate: Another widely used form, ferrous gluconate is known for its gentle effect on the digestive system. It is a suitable choice for those who experience stomach discomfort or constipation when taking other forms of iron supplements.

  • Iron bisglycinate: This form of iron supplement has excellent absorption rates and is considered highly bioavailable. It is often preferred by individuals who have difficulty absorbing iron from other sources.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, as they can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs and medical history.

Best Iron Supplements for Hair Loss

Iron deficiency is a common cause of hair loss, and taking iron supplements can help promote hair growth. Here are some of the best iron tablets for hair growth:

Elm & Rye Iron Capsules

These iron capsules are formulated with a blend of iron, vitamins, and minerals that support healthy hair growth. They are easily absorbed by the body, ensuring maximum benefits.

NaturesPlus Hema-Plex Iron

NaturesPlus offers Hema-Plex Iron supplements that provide a potent dose of iron along with other essential nutrients. These tablets are designed to enhance overall blood health and contribute to stronger, healthier hair.

Vitalitown Iron 65 mg

Vitalitown's Iron 65 mg supplement is specifically formulated to combat iron deficiency and promote hair growth. It contains a high dosage of iron in an easily digestible form.

Natural Nutra Chelated Iron Supplement

This chelated iron supplement from Natural Nutra ensures optimal absorption and utilization of iron in the body. It supports healthy red blood cell production, which is crucial for nourishing the scalp and promoting hair growth.

Nature’s Bounty Iron 65mg

Nature's Bounty offers an effective iron supplement that provides the necessary nutrients for healthy hair growth. With its high potency formula, it helps combat iron deficiency while supporting overall vitality.

Derma-Iron Supplement

Derma-Iron is specifically designed to address nutritional deficiencies that can lead to hair loss. Its unique blend of vitamins and minerals includes a significant amount of highly absorbable iron to stimulate hair follicles.

Vitron-C Iron Supplement

Vitron-C combines both vitamin C and highly bioavailable iron to maximize absorption and effectiveness in promoting healthy hair growth.

Nature Made Iron 65 mg (325 mg Ferrous Sulfate) Tablets

Nature Made's iron tablets provide a high dose of iron to support the body's iron stores and promote hair growth. These tablets are gentle on the stomach and easy to swallow.

Feroglobin Vitabiotics Organic Vitamin and Mineral Capsules

Feroglobin offers organic vitamin and mineral capsules that include iron as a key ingredient for healthy hair growth. These supplements also contain other essential nutrients to support overall well-being.

Vitamin Code Raw Iron

This raw iron supplement from Vitamin Code is derived from whole foods, ensuring maximum nutrient absorption by the body. It provides a comprehensive blend of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes for optimal hair health.

Adora Organics DHT Blocker

Adora Organics offers a DHT blocker supplement that contains iron along with other natural ingredients known for their ability to combat hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances.

hiroto pharma Vegan Iron Complex

hiroto pharma's Vegan Iron Complex is an excellent choice for individuals following a plant-based diet who still want to address the iron deficiency and promote healthy hair growth.

Solgar Gentle Iron

Solgar's Gentle Iron supplement is formulated with non-constipating iron sources that are gentle on the stomach while effectively boosting iron levels in the body.

Food Sources Rich in Iron for Promoting Hair Growth

Red meat, such as beef and lamb, is an excellent source of heme iron that is easily absorbed by the body. Heme iron is derived from animal sources and has higher bioavailability compared to non-heme iron found in plant-based foods. Including red meat in your diet can provide a significant boost of iron, which is essential for hair growth.

Plant-based sources like spinach, lentils, and tofu provide non-heme iron along with other beneficial nutrients for hair health. While non-heme iron may not be as readily absorbed as heme iron, these plant-based options are still valuable additions to your diet. Spinach, for example, not only contains iron but also provides vitamins A and C, which support healthy hair follicles.

Seafood like oysters and clams are rich in both heme and non-heme forms of dietary iron that support hair growth. Oysters are particularly noteworthy as they contain high levels of zinc as well, another mineral crucial for maintaining healthy hair. Adding seafood to your meals can give you a double dose of beneficial nutrients that promote strong and vibrant hair.

To enhance the absorption of dietary iron from these food sources, it's important to combine them with vitamin C-rich foods. Vitamin C helps convert non-heme iron into a form that is more easily absorbed by the body. Incorporating citrus fruits like oranges or strawberries into your meals alongside iron-rich foods can optimize the absorption process.

Incorporating a variety of these food sources into your diet ensures you receive sufficient amounts of both heme and non-heme iron necessary for promoting hair growth. Remember that while supplements may be available on the market specifically marketed towards hair growth, obtaining nutrients through whole foods is generally preferred due to their additional benefits beyond just providing iron.

Side Effects of Iron Supplements and Precautions to Consider

Iron supplements are commonly used for promoting hair growth and addressing iron deficiency anemia. While these dietary supplements can be beneficial, it is important to be aware of their potential side effects and take necessary precautions.

Common side effects of iron supplements

When taking iron tablets for hair growth, it's crucial to understand the possible side effects that may occur. Some common side effects include:

  • Constipation: Iron supplements can cause constipation in some individuals. This occurs because iron is not easily absorbed by the body, leading to hardened stools. To alleviate this issue, increasing fiber intake and staying hydrated can help soften the stool.

  • Nausea: Another common side effect is nausea or an upset stomach. This discomfort may be experienced shortly after taking the iron supplement. Taking the supplement with food can help minimize gastrointestinal distress.

  • Stomach discomfort: In addition to nausea, some individuals may experience stomach discomfort such as cramping or bloating. Again, taking the supplement with food can help reduce these symptoms.

Minimizing gastrointestinal side effects

To minimize gastrointestinal side effects when taking iron supplements for hair growth, there are a few precautions you can consider:

  1. Take iron supplements with food: Consuming your iron tablets along with a meal or snack can help reduce stomach irritation and improve absorption.

  2. Avoid consuming certain foods or beverages: Some substances like coffee, tea, dairy products, and high-fiber foods can interfere with iron absorption. It's advisable to avoid consuming them close to when you take your iron supplement.

  3. Gradually increase dosage: If you're new to taking iron supplements or have experienced previous gastrointestinal issues, starting with a lower dosage and gradually increasing it over time may help your body adjust better.

Excessive intake of iron supplements

While ensuring adequate iron intake is essential for hair growth and overall health, it's vital not to exceed the recommended dosage. Excessive intake of iron supplements can have adverse effects on the body. Some potential risks associated with excessive iron intake include:

  • Iron overload: Consuming too much iron can lead to a condition called iron overload, also known as hemochromatosis. This condition can cause damage to organs such as the liver, heart, and pancreas.

  • Interactions with certain medications: Iron supplements can interact with certain medications, reducing their effectiveness or causing unwanted side effects. It is crucial to consult a healthcare professional if you are taking any medications before starting an iron supplement regimen.

Precautions for individuals with certain conditions

Individuals with specific medical conditions should exercise caution when considering iron supplements for hair growth. Some conditions that may require consultation with a healthcare professional before starting an iron supplement regimen include:

  • Hemochromatosis: Individuals with this genetic disorder already have excess iron in their bodies and should avoid additional supplementation.

  • Thalassemia: People with thalassemia, a blood disorder, may require specialized guidance on iron supplementation due to their unique needs.

  • Chronic diseases: Conditions like chronic kidney disease or inflammatory bowel disease may affect how your body absorbs and utilizes iron. Consulting a healthcare professional is essential in these cases.

Harnessing the Power of Iron for Healthy Hair Growth

Regularly monitoring iron levels through blood tests can help identify and address deficiencies promptly. Iron plays a crucial role in promoting growth and preventing hair loss. Low iron levels can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to weakened strands and increased shedding. By regularly monitoring your iron levels, you can catch any deficiencies early on and take steps to rectify them.

Maintaining a balanced diet that includes sufficient iron-rich foods supports overall hair health. Consuming enough iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the hair follicles. Without adequate oxygen supply, the hair follicles may become weak and dormant, resulting in stunted growth or even hair loss. Incorporating iron-rich foods such as lean meats, seafood, spinach, lentils, and fortified cereals into your diet can provide the necessary nutrients for healthy hair growth.

Combining iron supplementation with other essential nutrients like biotin and zinc can further promote hair growth. Biotin is a B vitamin that aids in keratin production, which is vital for strong and resilient hair strands. Zinc helps regulate hormone levels in the body and promotes cell division necessary for healthy hair follicles. Look for supplements that include these active ingredients along with iron to maximize their benefits for your hair's health.

Practicing stress management techniques can prevent stress-induced hair loss, which may worsen due to low iron levels. Stress has been linked to various health issues, including telogen effluvium—a condition where more hairs enter the resting phase of the growth cycle prematurely. This results in excessive shedding or thinning of the hair. When combined with low iron levels, stress-induced hair loss can be particularly challenging to overcome. Engaging in activities like yoga or meditation can help reduce stress levels and minimize their impact on your locks.

Incorporating horsetail extract into your hair care routine can provide additional support for healthy hair growth. Horsetail extract is rich in silica, a mineral that strengthens hair strands and promotes their elasticity. It also contains antioxidants that protect the scalp from damage caused by free radicals. Consider using shampoos or conditioners that contain horsetail extract to nourish your hair and promote its overall health.

To summarize, ensuring you have enough iron in your system is crucial for healthy hair growth. Regularly monitoring iron levels, maintaining a balanced diet with iron-rich foods, combining iron supplementation with other essential nutrients like biotin and zinc, practicing stress management techniques, and incorporating horsetail extract into your hair care routine are all effective strategies to harness the power of iron for vibrant and luscious locks.

Remember, it's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements or making significant changes to your diet to ensure they align with your individual needs and circ*mstances.

Conclusion: The Best Iron Tablets for Hair Growth

In conclusion, the best iron tablets for hair growth offer a convenient and effective solution for those seeking healthier locks. By providing the necessary nutrients and supporting blood circulation, these supplements can make a noticeable difference in your hair's appearance and overall health.

So why wait? Take charge of your hair growth journey today by incorporating the best iron tablets into your routine. Say goodbye to lackluster locks and hello to vibrant, luscious tresses!


How long does it take for iron tablets to show results in promoting hair growth?

Iron tablets typically take time to show visible results as they work internally within your body. It may take several weeks or even months before you notice significant improvements in your hair growth.

Can I solely rely on iron tablets for hair growth, or should I combine them with other supplements?

While iron tablets can play a significant role in promoting hair growth, it's often beneficial to combine them with other supplements that support overall hair health. Biotin, zinc, and vitamins like A, C, and E are commonly recommended alongside iron for optimal results.

Are there any natural alternatives to iron tablets for improving hair growth?

Yes, there are natural alternatives to iron tablets that can help promote hair growth. Consuming a balanced diet rich in iron-containing foods such as leafy greens, beans, nuts, and seeds can provide your body with the necessary nutrients for healthy hair.

Can men use iron tablets for hair growth as well?

Absolutely! Iron deficiency can affect both men and women. If you're experiencing hair loss or slow hair growth due to low iron levels, incorporating iron tablets into your routine can benefit anyone seeking healthier and fuller-looking hair.

How long should I continue taking iron tablets for maintaining healthy hair growth?

The duration of taking iron tablets may vary depending on individual needs. It's crucial to monitor your progress and consult with a healthcare professional regularly. They can guide you on when it's appropriate to adjust or discontinue the use of these supplements while maintaining optimal results.

13 best iron tablets for hair growth in 2023 (2024)


13 best iron tablets for hair growth in 2023? ›

Prenatal vitamins or prenatal multivitamins often include vitamins B12, C, D, E, iron, zinc, folic acid, calcium, thiamin and iodine. Of these, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, iron, folic acid and zinc are good for hair growth.

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Prenatal vitamins or prenatal multivitamins often include vitamins B12, C, D, E, iron, zinc, folic acid, calcium, thiamin and iodine. Of these, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, iron, folic acid and zinc are good for hair growth.

What is the best hair growth supplement on the market? ›

Top Supplements for Hair Growth, According To Experts
  • Nutrafol. Nutrafol is a line of supplements designed to encourage hair growth, make hair thicker and stronger and reduce shedding. ...
  • Viviscal. Viviscal is another line of supplements for hair growth. ...
  • Hum Nutrition Hair Sweet Hair.
Aug 25, 2023

Will iron pills help my hair grow? ›

For those who have been diagnosed with an iron deficiency, taking iron supplements will over time stop hair loss due to your hair growth cycle resuming to normal. However, Iron supplements are not a magic cure to stop hair loss in general – they will not work for people suffering from hair loss from other causes.

How much iron does it take to regrow hair? ›

According to doctors, the normal ferritin (an indicator of iron) levels in women are 20 to 200 nanograms per milliliter in women and 20 to 500 nanograms per milliliter in men. Most researchers have agreed that we require 50 to 70 nanograms per milliliter of ferritin for hair regrowth.

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New treatments for 2023 include advanced laser therapy, stem cell therapy, and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. These treatments stimulate the hair follicles, promoting growth and increasing hair density.

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Vitamins A, C, D, and E.

In addition to MSM and Omega-3 acids, ingredients like vitamins A, C and E, saw palmetto, ashwagandha, hydrolyzed collagen, biotin, keratin, and magnesium can also be helpful in the regrowth process.

What is the No 1 hair growth medicine? ›

“Dermatologist's go-to OTC ingredient in combatting hair loss in men (and women) is topical minoxidil,” says Shoshanna Marmon, M.D., Ph. D., FAAD, an assistant professor of dermatology at New York Medical College. The brand name is Rogaine.

What is the number 1 hair growth product in the world? ›

As Health's best overall pick for hair serums, Rogaine has products for men and women. “Minoxidil has decades of use, over millions of patients worldwide, and is likely the most studied hair growth treatment on the planet.”

What is the number 1 thing for hair growth? ›

There are only two ingredients approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for hair regrowth. Both are DHT blockers. These two ingredients can be found in various OTC and prescription medications. They are minoxidil and finasteride.

Which iron tablet is best for hair? ›

Best Iron Supplements for Hair Loss
  • Derma-Iron Supplement. ...
  • Vitron-C Iron Supplement. ...
  • Nature Made Iron 65 mg (325 mg Ferrous Sulfate) Tablets. ...
  • Feroglobin Vitabiotics Organic Vitamin and Mineral Capsules. ...
  • Vitamin Code Raw Iron. ...
  • Adora Organics DHT Blocker. ...
  • hiroto pharma Vegan Iron Complex. ...
  • Solgar Gentle Iron.
Aug 30, 2023

Which iron tablet is best for hair growth? ›

Best iron supplement for hair loss
  • Derma-Iron Supplement.
  • Fergon Iron Restore Chewable Tablets.
  • MegaFood Blood Builder - Iron Supplement.
  • Solgar Gentle Iron.
  • Vitron-C Iron Supplement.
  • Garden of Life Vitamin Code Iron Supplement.
  • New Chapter Iron Supplement.
  • Nature's Bounty Iron 65mg.
Aug 4, 2023

Which iron is best for hair growth? ›

In cases of low iron and ferritin, I recommend the Derma-IRON supplement by Advanced Trichology to increase iron and boost ferritin because of its research,”-said Brooke Blumetti DO, board-certified dermatologist at Affiliated Dermatology. Derma-iron is quickly becoming popular among health-conscious individuals.

How quickly does iron stop hair loss? ›

If your hair loss was solely due to low iron levels, increasing your iron intake should reverse the effects and encourage regrowth after a few months.

Can iron reverse hair loss? ›

“Eating a healthy diet with adequate iron-rich foods or taking an iron supplement can correct the deficiency and lead to hair regrowth,” explains Dr. Piliang.

How much iron should a woman take for hair growth daily? ›

Aiming for the optimal range of serum ferritin blood levels is a good idea for anyone suffering from hair growth concerns. The recommended daily intake of iron for females is 14 mg.

How can I make my hair grow faster 2023? ›

Methods for how to make hair grow faster include taking a biotin supplement, performing daily scalp massages, consuming a well balanced diet, and switching to naturally derived hair care. Avoid falling into the trap of misinformation with myths such as not getting your haircut.

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My 2023 Healthy Hair Plan
  1. Take hair supplements. Prevent hair loss and encourage healthy hair growth by using hair supplements. ...
  2. Detox your scalp. ...
  3. Shampoo and condition your hair once a week or biweekly. ...
  4. Commit to a healthy diet. ...
  5. Minimize stress. ...
  6. Schedule routine trims.
Dec 19, 2022

What vitamins are best for regrowing hair? ›

Vivian Bucay, M.D., F.A.A.D., board-certified dermatologist at Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics says iron, zinc, biotin, and vitamins C, D, E, and B play a crucial role in hair growth.

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